Prepare to work as Japanese language instructors in the home country by gaining the knowledge and skills necessary for a non-Japanese to become a Japanese language teacher.
The course starts in April 2026(We are applying for registration as a training institute for Japanese-language teachers and a practical training organization)
Depending on the assessment from the MEXT, our practical training programs and teachers’ training programs may not be held.
What Japanese language teachers do is to conveying the Japanese language and culture to people whose first language is not Japanese.
In our Japanese Language Teacher Training Course, Japanese students and students whose native language is not Japanese can study together for becoming a Japanese language teacher.
Through a curriculum that combines theory and practical training in Japanese language teaching, students acquire the knowledge and skills required in the field of education.

Special Features of the Program

Do you want to become a Japanese language teacher in a fulfilling learning environment?
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the course. We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information about our course study and student support.
Course Characteristics 01
Learn, Apply, Grow: Experience our spiral curriculum that takes you from theory to practice
The curriculum of this course emphasizes both theory and practice. Students learn theory on topics such as language teaching, Japanese grammar, cross-cultural understanding and multicultural coexistence, and then immediately engage in practical exercises. In this way, students enhance their skills to apply the knowledge in real educational settings. The course also offers extensive support from experienced instructors, so that even first-time students can proceed with their studies with confidence.

Course Characteristics 02
Abundant opportunities to observe classes
We have a Japanese language course for international students studying Japanese language in Japan. By watching videos of and/or observing classes in the Japanese language course, you can gain valuable experience that can be applied to your own teaching.

Course Characteristics 03
One-year classroom Course to be a work-ready teacher
This course is one-year classroom course. It would be ideal for those who want to spend more time learning. Students will learn by repeating theory and practice, so they can ensure to make what they have learned their own, and acquire skills that will be immediately effective in the actual educational setting. By the time you complete your final teaching practice, you will be well prepared and confident enough to enter the field of education.

Course Characteristics 04
Small-sized class and detailed learning support
The small class size of this course provides an environment in which students can consult with the instructor at any time when they have any issues or problems. The teachers can see each student's progress and provide individualized support.

Course Characteristics 05
International learning environment where Japanese natives and international students study together
In this course, native Japanese speakers and international students study together. Students can hone their cross-cultural communication skills by spending time together with people from different cultures.

Course Characteristics 06
Pathway to obtain a national qualification “Nationally Registered Japanese Language Teacher”
Our school is applying to MEXT for registration as a training institute for Japanese-language teachers and a practical training organization. Students can aim to be a Nationally Registered Japanese Language Teacher at the registered institutes and organizations. Since students there are exempted from the fundamental competency exam and practical training (Teaching practice) of the Japanese Language Teacher Examination, they only need to take the applied competency exam of the Japanese Language Teacher. It will greatly reduce the burden to obtain the certification.

Weekly Schedule

  月 MON 火 TUE 水 WED 木 THU 金 FRI
★・・・日本語を母語としない人のみ  Only people whose native language is not Japanese


言語と社会・文化 言語と社会 多文化共生、コミュニケーション、言語と社会の関係、日本語教育事情など、日本語教育の基礎となる社会的・文化的背景などについて学びます。
言語と心理 学習する時の心理と学習方略、異文化に接した際の心理、異なる文化を持つ者同士のコミュニケーション方略などについて学びます。
言語教育 言語教育理論 コースデザイン、外国語教授法、ICTを用いた授業、評価法など外国語教育に欠かせない理論を学びます。
日本語教育実践 初級の授業の方法、中上級の授業の方法、読解や会話など技能別の指導方法などを実践しながら学びます。
言語学・日本語学 音声・音韻 一つ一つの音、拍とリズム、アクセント、イントネーションなど日本語の音声的特徴及び指導方法について学びます。
日本語教育文法 主に初級文型に関する知識を得るとともに、教える際のポイント、文法の分析方法などを学びます。
言語学・日本語学 一般的言語学、日本語の表記、語彙、意味、対象言語学を学びます。

日本語教育実習 日本語科の授業見学、教材分析、授業計画、模擬授業をした後、実際の学習者に日本語の授業をします。

特別科目 養成科目演習 日本語教員養成科目及び日本語教員実践研修の分析作業、教材作成作業などをします。
中級技能別模擬授業 中級レベルの技能別教材を分析、授業を計画し、模擬授業を行います。

留学生特別科目 日本語 読解、文章表現、口頭表現など、日本語を正確かつ適切に運用できる力を養います。
発音練習 養成科目「音韻・音声」で習った項目に沿って、できるだけ自然に発音できるよう練習します。
日本の地理・歴史 日本語教員養成科目を理解するために必要な日本の地理と歴史に関する基礎的な知識について学びます。

If you'd like to know more about our curriculum, you can visit a syllabus here.


After one year, you will be able to feel confident taking the podium.
Graduates of the Japanese Language Teacher Training Course are active in various Japanese language education organizations in their respective countries. Everyday studies regarding instruments necessary to become a Japanese instructor can be tough, but are ultimately rewarding. After one year, you will be keenly aware of your growth and can feel confident taking the podium.

Information Session

We are holding information sessions for Japanese Language Teacher Training Course and Business Japanese Interpreting Course.